Gum Disease

‘Nothing wrong with your teeth!  But your gums are all shot!’  This is an old joke that relates to gum disease. Periodontitis is the disease in which the supporting structures of the teeth are lost. In most cases this is treatable and preventable.

Gum Disease

Gum disease can occur when dental plaque and calculus builds up on the teeth. If you have the right mix of oral bacteria and the right host defence factors, this plaque and bacteria attach to the teeth and the gums. Due to this the gums can see the tooth as ‘foreign’ and gum pockets form around the teeth as the gums shrink away. Bacteria then gets into these pockets, causing further inflammation and disease resulting in more loss of gum and bone. This means that you lose the tissues that are supporting the teeth and their roots. As bone is lost, larger spaces begin to form between the tooth and the gum. This can result in bad breath, food getting stuck in between the teeth, bad tastes in the mouth, and ultimately loose/lost teeth.

At Murray Dental Care we have had considerable success in treating most gum disease, especially when identified early. Therefore, your preventive dental care visits are very important. In severe cases however, referral to a specialist may be needed.

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